Art Gallery Two ~ Portraits

In this Gallery you will find some examples of Portraits I've scrimshawed in the past. Two of them, Earl Scruggs and Don Reno, were both rendered on French Ivory and the rest were scrimshawed on genuine ivory.


These miniature portraits are scrimmed on Truss Rod Covers which are approximately two inches high. TRCs are used to cover the access pocket to the truss rod on musical instruments.



Gibson Flint Hill Special banjo headstock showing the truss rod access pocket

A Portrait is and exact likeness of a well known personage or a family member or friend. It can also be an exact likeness of a favorite pet.


The animals included here in Gallery Two fit this catagory.


Some of the pictures you will see were taken back when I was beginning to learn the finer points of photography and therefore are not the best representation of my work. However, I included them because of their importance to the musical community.


Thanks for viewing!


~ Ed Weber